VISA $500 Gift Card Fundraiser Raffle Volunteers

We are looking for students who need to get their 40 high-school volunteer hours completed by helping us raise funds by selling raffle tickets to family, friends, co-workers or general public.

NEXT CONTEST PRIZE WINNER TO BE ANNOUNCED: August 31, 2018. Click here to view past winners!

Program Description:

  • Once registered, each volunteer will receive a raffle sheet of 10-20 tickets (can be printed by student).
  • Each raffle ticket is to be sold for $5.00 each.
  • Funds will be collected online or in person by meeting with us prior to final contest date.
  • Contest winner will be chosen and displayed on our winners page on the last day of each month.

    Hours Available: 10 Raffle Tickets Sold for approximately 20 hours or 20 Raffle Tickets Sold for approximately 40 hours

    Once completed, we can make arrangements to provide you with all the essentials you need such as a recommendation/confirmation letter or have your forms signed to verify you have completed your requirement.

    Please email [email protected] with Subject Line ‘VISA Gift Card Fundraiser Raffle’ with the following information filled out accurately:

    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Street Address:
    Apartment Number if any
    Postal Code:
    Email address:
    Repeat email address:
    High school you attend:
    Are you male of female?
    How many hours do you need to complete?
    Deadline(s) for your hours to be completed by: Please enter date
    How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?